EIH and Persistence

December 27th, 2022

Hello folks! I have a new game available for you to play called EIH. For the first time there is both a mac option AND a windows option as well. Finally, those of you who only have a macbook can still be included! If you'd just like to check out the new game you can do so here, but if you want to read about the long road that brought me to this point of being able to release this game - that story continues below.

A screenshot of a game of EIH in progress.

It was June of 2020, several months into quarantine for the COVID-19 pandemic. I was desperately looking for other ways to keep myself from going crazy while spending all of my time in the one bedroom apartment I shared with my wife, and I decided it would be good to try to be productive by having a project on my plate to work on. That way I'd at least have something to show for all of this time I'd spent inside. This seemed like a logical thing to do at the time - I am always saying I wish I could spend more time on personal projects and game development again, and here I was being "gifted" an endless amount of time by the circumstances of the pandemic. Alas, things are rarely as simple as they seem on paper.

A half a year earlier, before the pandemic started in earnest, I had finished playing through the 2019 remake of Link's Awakening for the Nintendo Switch. Link's Awakening is one of my favorite games of all time, and the remake did not disappoint. One of the new features they added was a new Dungeon Maker mode. Throughout the game, you unlocked dungeon rooms for use with this mode that had different configurations of exits and challenges inside. You were then tasked with creating a dungeon that properly hooked up each of the room's exits into a playable dungeon that also met some other criteria - for example, fitting the whole thing into the shape of a heart.

That new mode was fun, but while I was playing through it it occurred to me that this was a task that should be possible for a simple computer algorithm to perform. Doing so would result in a near infinite amount of randomly generated dungeons. The idea was interesting to me - take these predefined rooms that were intelligently designed individual pieces of a dungeon, and find a way to fit them all together such that the dungeon was playable and possible to traverse. When I had this idea in early 2020, I was too busy to do anything with it. But it had stuck in my mind, and it was this idea that I decided I was interested in exploring when I was going stir-crazy six months later in June.

The biggest thing this idea had going for it, to me, was the fact that while the dungeon as a whole would be randomly assembled, the individual parts themselves could be intelligently designed. They could contain the structure and challenges that a human is good at making but that become a lot more challenging for a computer to randomly design. One of my earlier game projects, Castle Climber, suffered from a similar problem while I was working on it. It became hard to add any new features when every new feature needed to be something that the game knew how to intelligently employ in its randomization of a given room. That game found other ways around that problem, but I was excited by the idea of this "Dungeon Maker" randomization method, because it seemed like it could have all the pros of a human touch plus all the pros of algorithmically generated variety.

I got to work on a prototype with that concept, and I was just focused on the random generation of possible maps and not even bothering with what the gameplay could look like. I started working in Game Maker: Studio 1.4. which was well past its end of life support at that point, simply because it's what I owned from purchasing a license waaay back in the day. This was a mistake, but I did not realize it at first. Instead, I continued working on the project and got far enough into the map generation to have a playable prototype where a simple player character could walk around randomly generated maps made out of simple, pre-existing rooms. The simple graphics of the prototype made me realize that this game could potentially be a realization of another older project of mine - 10 Seconds in Hell.

When I made 10 Seconds in Hell, it was a project I was quite proud of. It was another project that tried to have randomized elements, but it also approached that randomization in yet another unique way. For that game, I was inspired by the Atari classic Adventure, taking the idea from that game to randomize the game objects but not the game map itself. Instead, for 10 Seconds in Hell the entire large map was handmade to give it that human touch. Instead, the starting positions of various items, objects, enemies, and even the player character were randomized between a set number of possible spots at the start of any given run through the game. It was another attempt to balance the randomization elements with a human touch, and although it succeeded in its own way, it was not a very scalable approach - or even a very replayable one, since beating the game once usually meant seeing the entire map which never changes.

I thought about the similarities in the design goals of that project and my new prototype right around when I started reaching a point where I needed to consider what kind of gameplay to actually add to my random map generator. Thus the idea of it being a kind of pseudo-sequel to 10 Seconds in Hell was born. The simplicity of 10 Seconds in Hell's controls and game systems lent themselves well to a classic permadeath roguelike experience too, which is what I was now creating with this new prototype. They also worked well for the idea of designing one off rooms and challenges. It was a natural fit, and once I adopted the idea of this new game being a sequel to 10 Seconds in Hell, EIH was born.

A screenshot of the EIH game title screen.

Unfortunately, things were not smooth sailing from there. I began running into more and more issues while just trying to do simple things within the Game Maker Studio 1.4 engine. Ultimately I began to get fed up and bogged down by it. I felt I was spending much more time fixing bugs with the engine than I was making any progress with the game itself. Looking for answers or help online often lead back to the idea that what I wanted to do could be done much easier in their current offering - Game Maker Studio 2 - which I did not own and was frustrated that I would need to spend money on just to get the engine to work for what I wanted it to do. After a few months of increasingly frustrating work on the game, I decided to chalk the experience up as a lesson learned and move on without finishing it. It felt like even the original reason for starting this project would no longer be relevant, since surely the pandemic would be subsiding soon. It had already been almost 8 months after all!

It did not. Months later, in December of 2020, with no end to the pandemic in sight and a holiday sale springing up for Game Maker Studio 2, I decided to bite the bullet and buy a license for GMS2 and return to the project. It was going to be a lot of work to port the game from 1.4 to 2.0, but I had had a lot of fun when I was working on the game BEFORE running into all these engine bugs, and I certainly needed the distraction of something to work on now more than ever to prevent myself from going stir-crazy. It was going to be a lot of work to translate the project, but surely once I did the new and current Game Maker engine would be easier to work with and better able to support my ambitious game ideas, right?

It did! Well, at least for a little bit, anyway. After weeks of grueling work porting the game from the old version of Game Maker to the new engine and fixing countless small bugs along the way, I finally began testing and implementing new gameplay features. It finally felt like I was back on track, and back to doing the creative part of game development. Then, suddenly, a new issue reared its ugly head during one of my playtesting sessions. Sometimes, halfway through a play session, the game would randomly crash and all progress would be lost. This was a debilitating bug for any game, but for a fully randomized permadeath rogue-like it was absolutely inexcusable. I could never release the game in this state until I got to the bottom of this bug.

What ensued was nearly a month of trying to track down the source of this persistent issue. Nothing in the code seemed like it could be causing it, but I knew something must be. There were small breakthroughs along the way - I noticed it never seemed to happen on the first run of the game, but only on subsequent playthroughs. I noticed it never happened at all if one were to close out of the game in between runs instead of restarting it after defeat. That led me to monitoring the memory usage while doing a test play, which is how I discovered that worst of all fates - I had a memory leak somewhere. Not while playing the game, but while re-randomizing the dungeon. Essentially, the memory ticked up each time the restart key was pressed, until eventually the program ran out of memory mid-game and crashed.

This was very disheartening, because I already knew about the dangers of introducing a potential memory leak into the game and had been consciously working to avoid that scenario from the very beginning. What's more, going over my code again and again, I could not seem to find anything that even remotely looked like it could be a source of the leak. I had followed all of the official GMS2 suggestions on how to avoid such a thing, and yet, it was definitely happening. That's when I began to have a hunch that it was not me, or my game - but perhaps some bug in the GMS2 engine itself that was causing this memory leak. Which would be the worst possible answer, since that's not something I could fix myself. It would essentially doom my project, and all of the hours I put into it.

And yet, it was true. It took me a while to figure out exactly what was causing it - I started creating new, empty projects in the game engine and doing things like creating only a single object that reset the game repeatedly to see if the memory usage would grow. At first it did not, but using that methodical approach I was able to eventually single out the exact issue. There was a bug in the persistence feature that I was making heavy use of in my game. That feature is what allowed instances (and in my case more specifically, rooms) to persist their state between visits to that room instead of being reset every time. Unfortunately, the bug made it so that rooms that were generated on the fly and marked as persistent were not cleaned up when the game was reset. This was the source of the memory leak. Once I discovered this, I did everything I could to try and get some help from the creators of Game Maker Studio, YoYo Games, themselves. I posted on their official forums, and I even I submitted a helpdesk ticket with them about this bug. Ultimately, my bug report was acknowledged and it was added to the backlog - but as far as I know, it has never been addressed, even to this very day.

After all the work I'd put in to get to that point, running into this issue completely deflated me. I had no desire to continue working on a project that I already overhauled from the ground up once to port it from the Game Maker 1.4 engine to the Game Maker Studio 2 engine. I didn't have it in me to overhaul the entire game again to get away from using the built in persistence feature - and couldn't even think of a way to, even if I had. I was stuck, and I once again gave up and chalked this up as an admittedly even more painful learning opportunity with a plan to move on.

Almost two years later in September of 2022 I found myself thinking about EIH again. Half-wistfully, half-regretfully. It had never really sat right with me that I was unable to get the game released in any state at all. I had spent a lot of that time waiting to hear back that the engine bug I had found and reported was fixed so that I could return to working on it again, but I had grown tired of waiting. Then, all of a sudden I had an idea. The main thing I was using the engine's persistence feature for was to keep track of position and state of all of the objects in each room when moving between them. What if - instead of using persistent rooms, I only used ONE room, and I simulated moving the player from one room to the next myself? If I did that, I'd have to keep track of the position and state of every game object myself in order to be able to manage that memory properly and keep it out of Game Maker's hands. But in doing so, when the game is reset, I could ensure that nothing lingered in the game's memory and therefore that no memory leak would occur.

That sounded like a lot of work. And like a crazy enough idea that I didn't even know if it was possible. Furthermore, there was also another, related feature I was using the Game Maker engine for. I had already created over a hundred template rooms in Game Maker, and I was using Game Maker functions to generate and copy those rooms on the fly. Not only would this new plan require completely reprogramming the room transition logic from scratch to keep all of the game objects in a single Game Maker room, but it would require reprogramming the room generation logic myself as well to not just duplicate one of the many existing rooms I created but instead somehow add all of its objects to the current, single Game Maker room.

It sounded like an incredibly daunting task, but I kept coming back to the idea in my mind. I decided to just start by trying out a little part of it. After all, the project was dead in the water currently; testing something out that didn't end up working couldn't hurt anything. And if I ran into any one piece of that above plan that didn't work, then the whole approach wouldn't work anyway. So I figured I'd just try out one little piece of that plan, confirm it was not an approach that would work, and then I could stop wondering about it again.

Except that's not what happened at all. Working on one little piece lead to working on another little piece, until before I knew it I had re-written not just the entire game again, I had also re-written large swaths of the built in Game Maker engine's functions so that I could better control what the engine was doing with the memory I was using. And it worked! Much to my surprise, all of it worked. I am skipping over the solid month or so of hard work I did to get to that end state for the sake of this story, of course, but trust me when I say it was a lot of hard work. There was still the second problem about the room generation to solve, however. My new version of the game that used only one room worked just fine for preserving state between the different areas a player could travel to in the game, but it still relied on the built in engine to initially generate those rooms from among the ones I'd already spent countless hours crafting in the Game Maker engine. This means that - while an order of magnitude smaller - there was still a slight memory leak over time. Probably not big enough to actually affect a player unless they restarted the game dozens of times in a single play session. But that wasn't good enough for me; if I couldn't fix the memory leak problem in its entirety then why bother fixing it at all?

But I was on a bit of a roll at this point. Feeling creatively empowered by my strange out-of-the-box solution for quelling the worst of the memory leak issues caused by Game Maker's persistence feature, I started brainstorming how to fix this last issue. Certainly one way would be to re-create all of the premade rooms in some other format that's NOT a Game Maker room asset. This would be a huge amount of painful re-work, but would allow the game to theoretically read the rooms in from a file to generate them and thus get around having to use the built-in engine functions at all - which in turn would eliminate the memory leak. Okay, but wait - the Game Maker rooms are ALREADY files - .xml files, to be exact. Can I just write code that would interpret those xml files and do what I needed them to do in order to generate the room? That would remove a lot of the painstaking duplication effort from the equation. Well, maybe I could - but what exactly did I need to get out of these files in the first place? There was a LOT of extraneous information saved in these .xml room files. If all I am using them for anymore is the initial generation, didn't I essentially just need a list of all the objects that room contained and their initial coordinates? Just those three data points for each object that I wished to create as part of the room at the time of room generation and nothing else. Couldn't I create a script that would just rip that information out of these files and nothing else?

And that's exactly what I did. And wouldn't you know it, it worked. And that is exactly what allowed me to get to the point of releasing EIH to the world today. A lot of work, a lot more rework, and a pretty painful way to ultimately end up learning a lesson I already knew was true: if you want something to work right, you should really just do it yourself. I hope that you, or someone somewhere, enjoys playing EIH even for a little bit. But if that never happens, I will still be proud of myself for having seen it through to the end and for ultimately getting to a working version of the project that matches my initial vision for it. If nothing else, I've certainly learned the value of proper persistence.

A screenshot of the EIH game title screen.

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