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Thy Dungeonman 1 & 2 for Playdate - July 16th, 2023
"Re-experience these 2004 classics on a funky new handheld device!"

Thy Dungeonman 1 & 2 for Playdate - July 16th, 2023
"Re-experience these 2004 classics on a funky new handheld device!"

Thy Dungeonman 1 & 2 for Playdate

July 16th, 2023

This game contains a port of the 2004 flash games Thy Dungeonman and Thy Dungeonman 2 to the Playdate device. The original games were created by Jonathan Howe, Mike and Matt Chapman for the Homestar Runner website. You can still play the original flash games, if you want... (view more)

EIH - December 27th, 2022
"An eternity of failure in pursuit of a single goal."

EIH - December 27th, 2022
"An eternity of failure in pursuit of a single goal."


December 27th, 2022

Can you survive in the harsh conditions of Hell? Can you endure endless torment for the one you love? You may have hoped and prayed for more time with which to explore Hell the last time you were here. But be careful what you wish for, as you just might get it... (view more)

Mighty Dive Bomber - June 20th, 2018
"Puzzle-platforming at its finest."

Mighty Dive Bomber - June 20th, 2018
"Puzzle-platforming at its finest."

Mighty Dive Bomber

June 20th, 2018

Way back in 2011, I made what I considered to be my first "real" video game. It was a puzzle platformer called Mighty Dive Bomber. Well, not too long after making it, I decided I could do it better. That version got very close to completion, but never saw the light of day. I picked it up again almost five years later, and finally finished it. This is that game... (view more)

Super Action Sports - December 25th, 2015
"A sports game for people who know nothing about sports."

Super Action Sports - December 25th, 2015
"A sports game for people who know nothing about sports."

Super Action Sports

December 25th, 2015

This game is a collection of vaguely sports themed local multiplayer games. It was the first major project I worked on that was a 3D game and not a 2D one, and it was quite a challenge to put together. Luckily, I did not have to do so alone, as Super Action Sports was the Capstone Project that I completed at the end of my time at OSU... (view more)

A Harrowing Journey - August 24th, 2015
"It's time to find out who the real monster is."

A Harrowing Journey - August 24th, 2015
"It's time to find out who the real monster is."

A Harrowing Journey

August 24th, 2015

A young man awakens in a field. Scattered about him are the remnants of a lost civilization. Although he doesn't want to admit it, the blood and debris seem strangely familiar to him. With an empty stomach and a guilty conscience, he sets off on a journey... a very harrowing journey... (view more)

10 Seconds in Hell - August 26th, 2013
"A brutal, old-school adventure... in Hell."

10 Seconds in Hell - August 26th, 2013
"A brutal, old-school adventure... in Hell."

10 Seconds in Hell

August 26th, 2013

Humans are flawed creatures. We each have our trials and temptations, but we have the power to choose between giving in or standing strong. Can you, a noble man, survive a descent into hell and all the deadly sins and evil souls that await you there? Will you be able to rescue the heart of your beloved and make it out with your soul intact? Or will you accidentally press the arrow key one too many times and step into a pool of lava... (view more)

Castle Climber - June 15th, 2013
"Randomly generated dungeon delving!"

Castle Climber - June 15th, 2013
"Randomly generated dungeon delving!"

Castle Climber

June 15th, 2013

Tell me, adventurer. Do you like magical potions with varying results? Ancient wands that cast strange and exciting spells? Powerful foes that must be dispatched with yet more powerful weaponry? Then Castle Climber is the game for you. Embark on a quest up every floor of the evil wizard's tower and wonder at the vexing oddities you find therein. And every time you die... a new tower forms, and a new quest is just beginning... (view more)

Dragon's Lair - September 30th, 2012
"Defend your gold by burninate-ing peasants!"

Dragon's Lair - September 30th, 2012
"Defend your gold by burninate-ing peasants!"

Dragon's Lair

September 30th, 2012

If dragons love one thing, it's shiny, shiny gold. And what's this? The local peasants are so downtrodden they are willing to risk entering your lair just to swipe some of your precious, shiny gold? Not if you can help it! Burninate those peasants, and drive the invaders out of your lair... (view more)

Light Bringer - June 15th, 2012
"Will YOU shine bright enough to overcome the darkness?"

Light Bringer - June 15th, 2012
"Will YOU shine bright enough to overcome the darkness?"

Light Bringer

June 15th, 2012

There is a time of which no one speaks. A time when darkness encroached on the world, and all that was good and light shrunk back from its scratching claws until only a few cloistered hovels of civilization were left. These were the dark ages... (view more)

Grass Cutter - June 1st, 2012
"Let's cut some grass!"

Grass Cutter - June 1st, 2012
"Let's cut some grass!"

Grass Cutter

June 1st, 2012

Ah, feel that summer breeze. The smell of fresh grass clippings fill the air as you wipe the sweat from your forehead and pause to look up at the bright blue sky. Or at least it used to be bright blue - it looks like a storm's brewing. Better finish cutting the lawn fast, or you might be too drenched to get a sip of grandma's fresh squeezed lemonade... (view more)

Mage Battle - March 15th, 2012
"A fast-paced, two-player duel."

Mage Battle - March 15th, 2012
"A fast-paced, two-player duel."

Mage Battle

March 15th, 2012

Ah yes, my eternal nemesis, Galrond the Scarlet. At last we meet again on this floating field of battle. We have toiled against each other for many years, each always outdoing the other with ever more grand displays of arcane power and sorcery. But it is time to put this thirty-year feud to an end. It is time... for Mage Battle... (view more)

Mighty Dive Bomber (Classic) - July 30th, 2011
"A retro-styled puzzle platformer!"

Mighty Dive Bomber (Classic) - July 30th, 2011
"A retro-styled puzzle platformer!"

Mighty Dive Bomber (Classic)

July 30th, 2011

Oh no! Dr. Mischivio is at it again! Attacking from his castle in the center of evil Mischivio Island, he has kidnapped Princess Amalia and plans to take over the world! Our one hope is a hero who emerges from the ensuing chaos... Mighty Dive Bomber is here! He arrives with a bang, creating crash landings wherever he falls. Only he can outwit Dr. Mischivio's clever traps and solve the puzzles of Mischivio Isle before it is too late... (view more)

Homestar the Runner - July 15th, 2010
"Look out Homestar! It's Strong Bad!"

Homestar the Runner - July 15th, 2010
"Look out Homestar! It's Strong Bad!"

Homestar the Runner

July 15th, 2010

Home! Star! Run! Go! Homestar Runner really great. Homestar Runner Athe-a-late. Homestar Runner; mom and dad. Look out Homestar! It's Strong Bad... (view more)