The Grand Opening of the TheTylaward Awards Wall

November 6th, 2010

And here it is - the prize. I intend to make this a regular feature of my website and let it grow and expand over time. The TheTylaward Awards WallTM is a place for me to recognize people who have made important or notable accomplishments here at While the Halloween Puzzle is the only plaque on the wall right now, it will soon expand, as I've already got a few ideas on other things for which to offer a Tylaward. If your interested in trying to win one (or more), just stay tuned and keep posting on the forms, and eventually the next chance will be revealed. I hope the winners aren't too disappointed with their prize, but man - that thing was a jerk to code. Oh well, I think it was worth it. Thanks for participating! And I would still like to hear from the other seven of you who haven't filled out the poll yet. Its quick and simple! I promise! Even if you didn't participate in the last one, I'd still like to hear your ideas on this. Thanks!

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